Tuesday, October 5, 2010


In English, we watched a video about a man who served in the war in Iraq. The video told about the struggles he suffered after the war due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Before the war, he led a happy life with a girl he had known his whole life and planned to marry after he got back. When he got back, they married, but they divorced not too long after. War had messed him up too much for him to have a normal relationship and deal with it's problems. It's sad that his life had changed so much that he couldn't even be with the woman he loved.

War had also made him suicidal. While in Iraq, he had nearly shot himself. He had the gun in his when the camp's doctor passed by and yelled at him. That was the thing that saved him. When he got home, he was still suicidal. The photographer that was with him sensed this and took him to a clinic. He didn't stay in the program he was put in for very long, so it probably wasn't much help. After the clinic and the divorce, he made new friends who hadn't known him before the war, who didn't see the change in him. Those friends made him feel almost like he was in the military again from the group's codes and closeness, and it made him feel at home.

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