Thursday, December 30, 2010


Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and has a happy New Year! :D What did y'all get for Christmas? I got a bunch of things, but I think my favorite is my panda pillow pet, which I have named Paul. I treat him with more love than half of my friends :) XD

So, I've spent most of my break either at Shayne's or watching Soul Eater. I'd say it's been pretty well spent. Monday I had a doctor's appointment [I'm down to 120.2 lbs!!!], then Shayne came over and we built a fort in preparation for Chrissy to spend the night, then Corey came over too. Twas probably the best day of break so far! Chrissy and I are going to Laura's tomorrow to spend the night for New Years, so that may top it o.o Then again, maybe not. I doubt anyone is going to nearly literally throw Chrissy across the room XD

I've been looking up what weird holidays fall on mine and some of my friends' birthdays. My birthday is on Occult Day. I feel this fits. XD Laura's birthday is on Best Friends Day and Nae Your Poison Day. I feel this may fit even more than mine XDD Laney's birthday is on National Pastry Day. I think I'm jealous. My sister, Naomi, has her birthday on Be Bald and Free Day XD My youngest sister, Ava, will be born on Chocolate Cake Day and Punch the Clock Day.
If you wanna see what's on your birthday, go here --->

And now, I will lead you to one of the best websites in existence! If you've ever read anything along the lines of Fmylife, GivesMeHope, or anything like that, you should read the stories on here. The stories are thousands, if not millions or billions times better than the others I mentioned. That's what gave me the idea to get a Harry Potter coloring book and why I'm proud to have a pillow pet XD

Well, I'm bored.

After we opened our gifts on Christmas. Idk, I like the lighting :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Should we eat insects?

No matter how many good points you can find for eating insects, I refuse to do it! I mean, I know that I "accidentally" eat bugs every day just by eating processed foods, but I don't actually see the bug or hear it crunch. I practically don't know it's there.

Eating insects may be healthier for the enviorment [since their waste doesn't give off as much greenhouse gases as cow manure], more abundant, and have "good quality meat," but there is NO way I'm going to actually eat them. O.O

At Hot Topic [and many other places] they sell insect candies. My friend, Laura, bought some seasoned crickets and a scorpion lollipop and ate them as we walked around the mall. It sickened me to see her eat the crickets, especially when she spat a leg that was stuck on her tongue at one of my other friends. I was okay with the scorpion lollipop, even trying it before she got to the scorpion part. Watching her bite the pincher was so unreal I again felt nauseuous.

I can never substitute insects for beef and pork.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Lately, many people have asked me why I celebrate Christmas since I am not Christian. My answer is always the same: I celebrate the happiness that the Christmas season brings, and of course, the presents. This answer is always met with doubtful looks and ocasionally a scoff or laugh, which makes me wonder, why do people celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other holiday? Do they, like me, celebrate it because it is how they were raised? Do the holidays have meaning for them? Do they celebrate the happiness, or are they just in it for the presents?

Also, do you know how difficult holidays are when your parents are divorced? Being 16, I should be able to choose where I spend Christmas, but yet my mom still likes to "rotate" the holidays each year. Last year, being with my dad, I when to his family's Christmas eve party, then got up at 5 the next morning to open presents at his house then go to my uncle's house to open more presents with my cousins and grandparents, then to Anne's mom's house for dinner. The year before, I was with my mom and she dragged me to Alberto's house [he was only her boyfriend then] where I isolated myself in a room with his computer and didn't eat cause everything was mexican. Now, this year, I'm with my mom again, and she wants to have my step aunt and Shayne over for dinner. I'll still be allowed to go to my dad's for the Christmas Eve party, but I doubt I can go to my uncle's, and highly, highly doubt I can go to Carol's....

Another also:
What do you get your boyfriend for Christmas?! D: