Dear ..........
I don't talk to people for only a day.....
No, wait, famous people.
Dear Vic Mignogna,
A lot of successful people let that success go to their heads. But, you; You're a sweetie! Well, at least to your fans' faces. But I'm sure you're actually a sweetie. You just don't seem like you're not :)
I'm so glad I got to meet you. You're my favorite voice actor. You really won that cause you're the voice actor for like every male character in any anime that FUNimation has made XP
I know you're popular. I know your voice is versatile. But damn o.o
I keed, you're awesome :)
PS: I only met him once. Therefore I knew him for a day. But technically I've known OF him for a while and saw him at 2 different cons.... I didn't have any better ideas :P
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