Dear Laura,
Do you remember playing Harry Potter on the playground in first grade? You were ALWAYS Harry. I think I commented once that your hair was more of Draco's color and you got mad at me. Now look who you're dressed as for the premiere XD
Do you remember the day when I wore my mom's globe earrings to school and they were heavy so I took them out and lost one and you found it for me?
Do you remember that every Friday when we did whatever it was we did with the fun station thingies, I'd always pick you to be my partner?
Do you remember how when you started third grade your hair was green from swimming all summer? XD That was GREAT!
Do you remember when you read....I think it was Marley&Me and you got all emotional cause you loved your dogs and I sat there trying to comfort you like "WTF DO I DO!!! D:"
Or when we went to that park and caught those bugs and a spider got out and me, Annie Lake-Osbourne, and that student teacher I think she was, went running out of that room?
How about you, me, and Erica trying to plan out when we would see each other again [ie, what schools we were going to go to.] I gave you and her a friendship necklace, and now I don't think any of us knows where ours are.
Seventh grade our English teacher never let us work together because she knew we were best friends. That was completely unfair D:
Eight grade however, our English teacher had the damnedest time trying to keep me, you, and Funsize split up XD
You gave me a lot of my childhood. I love you. Thank you for being my friend all these years. This November we will have known each other for a decade o.o
We're nearly out of school now. I have a feeling it's going to be harder than ever to keep in touch. We're just going to have to make time for each other.
Reminiscing this evening has been enjoyable :) Have fun at the Harry Potter premiere! I still don't know who's a bigger fan :P ♥
Love foreverrr,
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