Friday, February 4, 2011


I've realized, perhaps a long time ago if not just recently, I enjoy keeping a blog. My deviantART was becoming overflooded with meaningless posts on my thoughts. Now, I can keep my ramblings here and leave my dA with what it should be: my ART.

Since we do not have a topic today, I'll use one of the prompts from a 30-day writing challenge. Who knows, perhaps I may even use all 30. (I doubt it.)

Day 1: What you see in the mirror
[Of course it is not actually day 1 in the prompt :)]

I look in the mirror many times a day; To fix my makeup, to brush my hair, to make sure any bruises are covered, but I never see myself. Some days I see a girl who is pretty, but tries to hard to be so, and other days I see a girl that badly needs makeup and something done with her hair. Those girls are never me. I really stopped trying to be, well, anything a while ago, so how is this try-too-hard pretty girl me? But, at the same time, the way I view myself looks better than the girl with the pink-purple under her eyes, looking like bruises, her hair wavy and fluffy and definitely needing tied back or something. But if these people aren't me, who are they? And who am I? Am I the flash of the eye, the eyes that are ever changing their color, or am I hidden in there, somewhere, out of my sight?
Why is it so much easier to write when you disconnect yourself? Aren't we, as normal human beings, supposed to know more about ourselves than anyone else does?
If my soul had a reflection, what would it be?

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