Throughout the years, our relationship has had it's ups and downs. But, I love you. I never say it, but I'm really grateful for all that you do for me. You really make me mad when you're being a bitch, but I love it when it's just us 2, shopping and hanging out. I really don't have much to say. It doesn't take a novel to say how I feel.
Dear Dad,
We…have a complicated relationship. I'm sorry, but I will never be able to forgive you for not being there enough when I was growing up. I can't forgive you for constantly yelling, bitching, spending all of our money, hitting us, sleeping all day, and just basically being a deadbeat. I wish I could, but I can't. You're trying to be a better person now, and you are, but you still have a lot of your moments. You always fight with Anne. You need to understand you're both stubborn people and you need to pick your fights. You favor Naomi, even if you deny it- it's your actions even if you don't realize it. I'm trying to forgive you, but the healing process is taking a while. I'm sorry.
Dear Alberto,
I hated you with every fiber of my being when you and Mum started dating, but now you aren't too bad. You're too obsessed with "spending time with the family" though. I'm 16. I don't want to spend time with you guys, I want to go out with my friends or with my boyfriend. I don't think you have any right to complain about how much time I spend with Shayne since you monopolized Mum when you first started dating. The big difference is you kept Mum out all the fucking time and she had 2 kids to take care of that she was neglecting when Naomi was at her worst. I think you're to blame for some of Naomi's problems. I support you sending her to a camp to straighten her out or to live at her dad's though. Strongly support.
Dear Anne,
I used to think you were soooo cool, but then I got to know you. Don't get me wrong, you're still really cool, but now you're not like on the god-level XD I think you're a little uptight and you need to loosen up. Also, you're a little too over protective with Ava ^^" She is fragile, yes, but she'll be okay. Also, the same as dad, I think you should pick your battles. You're a little too emotional about everything. Dad's kinda clueless, you have to be patient with him. [I know I'm not one to talk about about that, but
Uhmmmmm, I don't really know what to say….
That's for getting me those amazing gummy bears! I'm in love with them! Blue, light blue, and purple? FUCK YES!
Miss D