Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Lost Boys

The Lost Boys were named after the boys in Peter Pan, but there really isn't much of a similarity between them. In Peter Pan, the boys didn't want to grow up. These boys were forced to grow up much too fast, otherwise die from various things, inculding starvation, gunpoint, or animal attacks. And all most of the world did was stand by and watch, at least at first. Sure the boys got help, but only after thousands of them died. But, I guess that's how it always is. Who cared about the Jews, the Tootsis, or the African farmers in Darfur? Countries, especially the U.S., like to look like they're doing so much to help in every world problem, but really, not much gets done. People die, people in other countries are horrified and donate money to the Red Cross, and still more people die. In Sudan, those boys were forced to walk hundreds of miles, battle wild animals like crocodiles, and run from the shots being fired at them. They were starving, tired, and homesick. They boys were just children. Countries "helped," but still they ran from country to country, fighting for their lives.
Governments makes me sick.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Warm weather, get here fast!

This week is OGT week, and personally, I don't mind it much. Sure, I'd MUCH rather be home sleeping rather than taking a test like all the little freshmen, but it's not too bad. Plus I LOVE the class lengths :D
Although, it makes my lunch later, and I'm hungry NOWWW D:

Kenny, Alanna, will you marry me? ♥

Does anyone know a cheap, quick, and hopefully easy way to remove dark dye from hair? To remove the black from my hair it would probably take a few bleachings, and I don't think my hair can handle that. I read on wikihow that there's a product called Color Oops that will strip the black [or any other dark dye] from my hair, turning it an almost orange color. It's $13 a bottle, and with my hair I would need 2 bottles. I doubt Mum will buy it for me. The other product, called Color Zap, strips away dark dye and returns your hair to it's natural color. That one's $10, not much cheaper than the first, but it would still require me to bleach my hair afterward [although I may have to bleach it after the first one anyway]
Anyone wanna donate to the "Fix Dei's Hair" fund? Lol

 Edit: I plan on buying some Manic Panic Flashlightning after seeing how well the Splat bleach worked on Chris' hair. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Since everyone else is writing about books, why shouldn't I? :)

Alice in the Country of Hearts
This is, by far, my favorite manga. Yes, it is shojo [directed at girls], but I know some guys who like it. Recently, I finally got the 2nd volume to complete my series [thus far], and got my boyfriend, Shayne to read it and he can't put it down. :D
Alice in the Country of Hearts is based off a Japanese 'adventure' game called Heart no Kuni no Alice and is a remake of Alice in Wonderland. In this story, Alice is kidnapped by Peter White [the White Rabbit] and taken to the land of Heart and forced to drink a potion that traps her there. Shortly after, Peter leaves her there and she meets Julius Monrey, the clock fixer, and he explains the rules of the game in which she's now a part of, one of which being that she cannot leave until her empty potion vial is filled. The way to fill the vial is to interact with the people in that world. In an attempt to get home, she follows the rules and meets some very interesting people including Blood Dupre, the leader of the mafia known as the Hatters, Boris Airay, a punk Cheshire Cat, Vivaldi, the tempermental queen of Heart with a soft spot for cute things, Ace, the knight with a terrible sense of direction and wish to be something that he is not, and Nightmare, a sickly dream incubus who allowed Peter to bring her to Heart.
So far there are 5 volumes and the 6th's release has yet to be announced.

Borders- IS CLOSING.
Everything is on sale, from books to CDs to posters! I suggest you go there soon :D
I went there Friday and got the 2nd volume to Alice, The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice, a True Blood poster, and got Shayne a Halo ODST poster. The True Blood poster is  now proudly hanging close to my light switch, scaring my sister in the middle of the night :) She complained about my DaVinci Code poster before I got the True Blood one :) [Personally I think the Alice in Wonderland one is creepiest cause it's the Mad Hatter, but oh well]

Friday, March 4, 2011


Om nom nom nom nom

We should have cake every day. Then again, we'd be fat if we did. WE SHOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT DURING 2ND PERIOD EVERY DAY. :D

I really don't mind celebrating National Grammar Day if it means getting cake :)

Buuuuuuttttttt, you know what's awesomer than cake? CHRISSY. And I'm going to her house tonight for some crazy shenanigans of doom :D We'll also be celebrating Chad's (our brother) birthday. I didn't know his birthday was coming up o.o Lol Chrissy's gonna be jealous of my cake. And be happy that I'm actually eating cake. For the past 2-3 years, I haven't liked cake. I still don't know if I like cake. Oh well.

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